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The world's rubber machinery industry entered a period of decline
Publisher:admin  Date:2009/9/4  Click:2846
Strength of strong Chinese enterprises

The world's rubber machinery 33 strong (see table) according to 2008 sales income rankings: HF sales revenue of 299.4 million U.S. dollars, an increase of only 3%, still very secure on the top spot; ranked No. 2 in sales of Kobe Steel, Ltd. increased by 21%, significantly narrowing the gap between the company and the first HF; the Netherlands fly mai (VMI) sales revenues declined 12%, with Kobe Steel has opened a wide gap; Saixiang sales up 27% from last year's The first six rose to No. 4; the biggest changes is the Qingdao MESNAC sales surge 85%, from last year's No. 16 rise to No. 5; Desma as the only non-tire equipment suppliers, sales Revenue increased 31% from last year's No. 8 to advance to the first 6, it is not easy; mainland company back from No. 4 to No. 7; Article 8 of the past one of the top 3 of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which is moving from Oak machine industry fade; to squeeze into the top 10 were Guilin Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd.-controlled rubber factory and Chinese.

And ranked the same as last year, a total of 11 companies the list, of the total seats 1 / 3 of the top 10 accounted for four seats in the Top 5 accounted for two seats. China's rubber machinery sales worldwide share of 23.7% over the second place of the 8.7 percentage points higher than the South Asian region, topped the list for 5 consecutive years. China's rubber machinery industry, the rapid development of Chinese manufacturers to make more globalization, the world's rubber machinery manufacturers continue to increase its China joint ventures, sole proprietorships and technical cooperation efforts, the industry center and further transfer to China.

The world's rubber machinery sales income of 100 million U.S. dollars in business from last year's 5 to 8, on revenue of 50 million ~ 100 million U.S. dollars over 12 companies among the other 13 sales companies in 25 million ~ 50 million U.S. dollars between the description rubber machinery industry from 2007 onwards of large companies continues.

Grab orders increased competition

2008 rubber machinery market growth in all regions is very uneven. Since the outbreak of the financial crisis, North America, Western Europe bear the brunt of the tire industry, these areas are large-scale cuts or factory closures, resulting in orders for machinery tires is almost zero. And because India is developing tire truck tire and engineering projects, while the financial crisis to delay some projects, but most companies are scheduled to promote the project, which is some time to come the needs of the global tire Machinery Co. highlights. Based on this, the Indian Rubber Machinery Company and the company's close relationship with India rubber tire manufacturer will benefit. In addition Iran has an ongoing project of the tire, South America and the Middle East also has a small amount of tire project. Rubber machinery industry increased competition in order to get ahead in a limited hard to avoid. "" "For more exciting views into the

In the global rubber machinery tires account for 80% of the share of machinery, showing the world's rubber machinery manufacturers is very high dependence on the tire industry. At present, the automotive industry downturn led to very limited tire plant project is expected in 2009 tire machine rubber machinery accounted for more than 25% share will fall. With the national government has introduced measures to save the economy, infrastructure construction increased, this will bring cable and other non-tire rubber demand, non-tire rubber machinery needs to be relatively optimistic.特罗埃斯特company has recently been from Russia, the Middle East and China, access to cable equipment, orders for which there is no pressure on layoffs and pay cuts. Number of other rubber machinery manufacturers are trying non-tire equipment and inter-rubber machinery industry to seek new market opportunities, such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries fails to work hard in the test equipment business.

Industry entered a period of decline

The world's automobile industry entered a period of adjustment, rubber machinery industry and the automotive, tire industry, highly relevant, into the period of inevitable decline. The world's rubber machinery in 2008, the top 33 Fortune 12 companies with negative sales growth in seven for the flat, negative growth and balanced Number of nearly 60% of the total, double-digit growth company has only seven, which is typical of the whole signs of the industry decline. Rubber machinery companies are now the main work is the completion of the financial crisis before the signing of orders, these orders is estimated to maintain most of the rubber machinery business operation for some time. While part of the order can be extended in consultation with users tire factory, but most of the period stipulated in the contract had to deliver.

In addition, some rubber machinery enterprises are still faced with some embarrassing situation, while knowing that the second half of orders for small, on the other hand have to work overtime drive task特罗埃斯特company is like that. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, knowing that the near future there will be no follow-up orders, but it is still producing at full capacity arrangements for the implementation of pre-contract. VMI has been deleted shift and weekend overtime, is now its production is only about 70% of normal levels. HF company, the German labor law prohibits dismissal of permanent employees, but to take over when the economy is making use of contract workers, there are not many in the production task allowed to temporarily leave the factory.

Only a very small number of enterprises is also optimistic about the future, for example, the company特罗埃斯特such that the non-tire rubber machinery business, the Government is large-scale infrastructure, cables and other equipment demand will compensate for lack of tire equipment. But the vast majority of enterprises, especially tire machinery enterprises quarter of this year's 34 to get more pessimistic about the rubber machinery orders, many enterprises think of rubber machinery industry in 2010 before the difficult to restore.
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